EKG - Ein Konstruktives Gespräch

Der Podcast für die Fach- und Funktionspflege
Since 12/2020 69 Episoden

50 – „The hemodynamically unstable patient“ with Dr. Christopher Rugg

15.09.2023 57 min

Zusammenfassung & Show Notes

A new episode of the EKG podcast is here!

Today we talk with Dr. Christopher Rugg from Innsbruck, Austria about hemodynamically unstable patients and explore the question of how these individuals can best be cared for. Dr. Christopher Rugg speaks from his practical experience as a physician in dealing with these patients.

An exciting new episode. Enjoy!


Publikationen zum Thema CytoSorb von oder mit Rugg

  • Moresco E, Rugg C, Ströhle M, Thoma M. Rapid reduction of substantially increased myoglobin and creatine kinase levels using a hemoadsorption device (CytoSorb®)-A case report. Clin Case Rep. 2022 Jan 20;10(1):e05272. doi: 10.1002/ccr3.5272. PMID: 35079387; PMCID: PMC8777160.
  • Hawchar F, Rao C, Akil A, Mehta Y, Rugg C, Scheier J, Adamson H, Deliargyris E, Molnar Z. The Potential Role of Extracorporeal Cytokine Removal in Hemodynamic Stabilization in Hyperinflammatory Shock. Biomedicines. 2021 Jul 1;9(7):768. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines9070768. PMID: 34356830; PMCID: PMC8301410.
  • Rugg C, Klose R, Hornung R, Innerhofer N, Bachler M, Schmid S, Fries D, Ströhle M. Hemoadsorption with CytoSorb in Septic Shock Reduces Catecholamine Requirements and In-Hospital Mortality: A Single-Center Retrospective 'Genetic' Matched Analysis. Biomedicines. 2020 Nov 26;8(12):539. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines8120539. PMID: 33255912; PMCID: PMC7760738.

Book Contribution

  • Rugg C and Zsolt M, “Extracorporeal cytokine removal” in Management of Dysregulated Immune Response in the Critically Ill, Zsolt Molnar, Marlies Ostermann, Manu Shankar-Hari. Lessons in ICU Series in collaboration with ESICM and Springer. Maurizio Cecconi, Daniel De Backer (Series Eds.), pages 299 – 311. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-17572-5  eBook ISBN 978-3-031-17572-5. Series ISSN 2522-5928

Paper zu antibiotika elimination unter CytoSorb® / Papers looking at antibiotic removal with CytoSorb® use:

  • Schneider, A.G., André, P., Scheier, J, Schmidt M, Ziervogel H, Buclin T, Kindgen-Milles D. Pharmacokinetics of anti-infective agents during CytoSorb hemoadsorption. Sci Rep 11, 10493 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-89965-z
  • Berlot G, Di Bella S, Tomasini A, Roman-Pognuz E. The Effects of Hemoadsorption on the Kinetics of Antibacterial and Antifungal Agents. Antibiotics (Basel). 2022 Jan 29;11(2):180. doi: 10.3390/antibiotics11020180. PMID: 35203783; PMCID: PMC8868360.

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